5 Best Silken Tofu Substitutes

Many people lust for the taste of tofu. However, there is a lot of discussion about it among those who don’t. One of such topic is the best silken tofu substitutes. 

And that is precisely what we will discuss on this page.

So if you have a tofu allergy or want to spice up your diet but can’t find some silken tofu, there are many options available for replacement. 

Imagine eating silken tofu and feeling the smoothness of melted glory. You will experience this using any of the substitutes I’m about to tell you.

We’ve hand-picked those options that are closest to silken tofu in taste and texture so you can make a substitute without any worries.

Let dive right into it. 

What Is Silken Tofu?

Silken Tofu is a type of tofu made from soybeans. It’s often used in soups and other Asian dishes but can also be used as a stand-in for meat in some recipes.

Silken Tofu is made by treating soybeans with an enzyme called trypsin, which causes them to release protein into the liquid surrounding them. 

When mixed with water, the protein forms a gel, which traps air bubbles inside. This makes the product more firm and less likely to break down during cooking.

Because of its high protein content, silken tofu has been used as an alternative to regular tofu for people who don’t tolerate soy well or want a less watery texture. 

It’s also popular among vegetarians because it doesn’t contain added flavors or additives like other tofu (like umeboshi plums).

Silken Tofu Substitutes

1. Tempeh

This ingredient is frequently referred to as tofu’s brother because it is similar to tofu.

Tempeh is a soy-based product that is manufactured in the form of several blocks.

However, squeezing fermented soybeans into a mold is how tempeh is made.

Whole beans undergo fermentation, which results in a rich, nutty flavor. The typical ingredients in packaged tempeh are millet, grains, and wild rice.

Sandwiches and stir-fries go great with it. And like tofu, it readily takes on flavors.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is a multipurpose grain high in proteins and simple to prepare. Cleaning and cooking quinoa can provide up to 7.5g of protein per cup.

And when accompanied by nuts, chickpeas, and beans, they increase the protein content.

Due to its non-meat ingredient’s high nutritional content, it makes a great tofu replacement. It provides nine necessary amino acids the body cannot create independently.

Manganese, iron, magnesium, and fiber are additional nutrients that quinoa offers. Even if it is pre-washed when removed from the package, rinse it every time.

3. Seitan

Water and wheat gluten combine to create seitan, processed, and cooked food.

Although everyone is aware of the harmful effects of gluten, it is necessary when looking for imitation meats like tofu.

But Seitan remains a fantastic substitute for tofu because it replicates the protein structure found in meat. And since gluten doesn’t add much flavor, spices, nutritional yeast, and soy sauce are primarily used to flavor the seitan dough.

You can steam or bake this silken tofu substitute after being packaged like a loaf.

4. Yogurt

This ingredient can be used in place of tofu. However, it must be cooked with solid foods.

Given that Greek yogurt has a high protein content, we advise you to buy some.

But when you purchase it, check the label because some yogurts frequently contain gelatin or a natural pigment called carmine derived from a beetle.

The amount of sugar and fat should also be closely monitored.

However, yogurt has a sour flavor and more carbohydrates than other dairy products. But its acidity makes it easier for your body to absorb several nutrients.

5. Kidney Beans

Because kidney beans are so strong in protein, they will make an excellent tofu substitute.

Indigenous people make this proteinous plant from Mexico and Central America.

It comes in many colors and patterns, such as mottled, white, striped, cream, spotted, black, purple, and red.

On top of that, kidney beans that have been cooked contain about 14g of protein per serving, but it also is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals are these beans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Eat Tofu Raw?

The term “raw tofu” often refers to tofu that has not been cooked after it was pressed and packaged.

You should undoubtedly drain off some excess water before eating raw tofu straight from the package, even though it can be messy and add little to the flavor.

You can safely try any form of tofu, even though soft and silken tofu is the most common type that most people eat raw.

But tofu is preferable as a part of a dish. And here are some of our favorite ways to use tofu:

  • Tofu and Cauliflower Rice: Cook the cauliflower rice according to the package directions, then stir in a bit of sriracha sauce, soy sauce, and black pepper. Top with your favorite veggies.
  • Tofu and Tomato Sauce: Mix tomato sauce, coconut aminos or tamari (tamari is less salty), and olive oil in a bowl. Stir in cooked diced tofu until it’s well coated. Eat over brown rice or quinoa.
  • Tofu Salad: Chop up whatever kind of greens you want and mix them with diced avocado, salt (or sea salt if you have it), pepper, lemon juice, oregano, and garlic powder in a bowl. Add a little olive oil and mix until everything is well combined. Serve cold on top of lettuce leaves or top of your favorite grain salad (or both!).

Does Cooking With Tofu Change The Texture?

If you’ve ever cooked tofu, you’ve probably noticed that the texture changes, but this is somewhat dependent on the precise cooking techniques you employ.

 When tofu is cooked, a significant portion of its moisture evaporates, giving the food a more complex and chewier texture than when it is raw.

This is particularly true when tofu is cooked quickly, like in stir-fries, by frying it at a high temperature. With recipes where the tofu is cooked in liquid, like in a soup, it’s less of a problem.

How Do You Remove Excess Water From Tofu?

When dealing with raw tofu, excess water is often a concern. Usually, this evaporates after cooking, but pressing your tofu can quickly get rid of it without cooking.

To create a press, place the tofu on some paper towels, cover it with more paper towels, and then place a large book or pan on top.

After about an hour, you’ll see that most of the extra water has been squeezed out, giving it a firmer and dryer texture. If you prefer your tofu a little wetter or dryer, shorten or lengthen the time it spends in the press.

How Can You Know Your Tofu Has Gone Bad?

If you are like most people, the last thing you want to do when you open up your carton of tofu is to think that it is no longer fresh.

However, there are some telltale signs that your tofu may be past its prime.

When it comes to tofu, the signs are subtle and can be hard to notice unless you know what to look for. Here are a few ways that you can tell if your tofu has gone bad:

1. A rancid smell

One of the first signs that something is wrong with your tofu is when it smells like rot or mold; it’s probably bad.

Tofus may still be edible, but they’re not going to taste good. If this happens to yours, don’t worry! Look at the tips below and see if they apply to your situation. If they do, just throw it out and get a new batch of tofu.

2. It’s discolored or cloudy

If there’s some white or grayish substance on top of your tofu (or any white foam on top), then it’s probably bad.

This means that bacteria have grown inside the block of tofu—and if these bacteria multiply rapidly, it has gone bad.

You should also look for moldy spots on the surface of the tofu.

3. A soft and slimy texture

If your tofu feels soft and squishy like raw egg whites, it’s probably bad.

This sort of “squishiness” is usually caused by gases inside the container holding the tofu, so try storing yours in an airtight container to keep out those gasses!

Check if your tofu feels slimy or looks slimy too. And has an off-putting odor, don’t eat it! It won’t taste good, either.


There are many different types of substitutes that you can use in place of silken tofu if it is not readily available.

Some of them work well enough to be used if a recipe only has minor modifications, while others are only useful in certain instances.

Unfortunately, these alternatives require extra preparation steps or an extra ingredient to replicate the taste and texture.

But I hope these substitutes help you miss silken tofu less.
